Aachen DIP

We make Aachen a platform - companies, institutes and initiatives from the region on the new digital innovation platform (DIP).
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The Digital Community of the City of Aachen

We make Aachen a platform

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For buyers and innovation scouts:
Supplier and partner search in the region

The DIP of the city of Aachen supports you in the effective supplier and partner search within the city of Aachen, the Euregio as well as in the entire Rhineland region.

  • Discover innovative products, technologies and offers from companies in the region
  • Direct connection to potential partners and suppliers
  • Overview of developments in your industry

For marketers and salespeople:
Customer and partner acquisition in the region

The DIP of the city of Aachen supports you in effective customer and partner acquisition within the city of Aachen, the Euregio and the entire Rhineland region.

  • Communicate your innovative products, technologies and offers to companies in the region.
  • Overview of project and development opportunities
  • Direct connection to potential partners and customers

For Research Institutes:
Customer and Partner Acquisition in the Region

The DIP of the city of Aachen supports you in finding partners within the city of Aachen, the Euregio as well as in the entire Rhineland for your next research project.

  • Communicate your innovative research results, technologies and offers to companies in the region.
  • Hire research projects to communicate competencies
  • Direct connection to potential partners and other universities

Our Partners


Innovation Platform Aachen Region
powered by Innoloft GmbH

City of Aachen
Katschhof 1
52062 Aachen

©2024 Innoloft GmbH